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Welcome to

Brand Blog

Surf around to reel in brand strategy tips + tools for service business owners. No fluff here, our blogs are short + sweet digital beach reads.


The  Beachin'

footprints in the sand

the latest:

Entrepreneurship is hard. Relying on yourself as your own employer is both scary and liberating.


Solopreneur woman overwhelmed by learning about business books


Are you addicted to learning?

Over consumption of knowledge may look like taking all the free master classes, signing up for all the freebies just to never open them or buying a new book before you got past chapter 3 of the last one you just had to buy.


Business woman holding iPad.


Why does your business exist?

Why do you do what you do? And why does it matter to your clients? If you can’t succinctly state why you show up daily to grow your business, you need to define your big why.


let's dive in

Our Services

Brand strategy consulting and rebrand identity design services for expanding serviced based small businesses that need to refine their visual and verbal brand messaging for crystal clear clarity and confident growth.

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A passionate brand expert with over 14 years of branding, graphic design and marketing knowledge and experience. Plus she holds a fancy BFA degree in Visual Communications/Advertising to support her credibility combined with years of agency, freelancing and entrepreneurship proficiency.  When away from the iMac, you can find her on the beach with her two daughters, husband of 13 years and most likely a book on branding or home rewatching The Office series for the 27th time. 

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Meet Alaina, Brand Strategist    Creative Director 


Steal this!

You'd be surprised how many booming businesses cannot succinctly answer these five simple questions every successful brand embodies. Grab the guide to ensure your brand foundation is built for longevity plus learn how to leverage it with magnetic messaging that sells. 

Foundation Guide

The Ultimate Brand