Do you feel you spend more of your time and energy working IN your business? Service based solopreneurs and businesses often get swallowed in client work and keeping up with posting on social media just for the sake of showing up. But how often do we forget to stop and work ON our business rather than in it.
I know how fast the week flies by with all the calls, emails, working on client projects, marketing, posting, product creation, etc. All too often our backend of our business gets neglected. Here are some business tips to help you determine if you have not been prioritizing working on your business.
When was the last time you?
☑︎ Looked at your performance metrics (sales, marketing, offers, etc)
☑︎ Dedicated a full day to focus on your biz
☑︎ Looked at your financials (how much are you really profiting?)
☑︎ Analyzed which content themes received the most engagement
☑︎ Updated your website, blog, social platforms, bookkeeping, etc
☑︎ Reviewed what’s working well in your biz – and discovered what’s not with a plan to cut the deadweight.
☑︎ Steamlined your goals to develop an action plan to actually achieve them #DontBeAGoalRecycler
Have you poured everything into a post, launch, offer, email etc only to receive low engagement, zero interest or even crickets..nada?
It’s frustrating and triggers an emotional reaction that then affects your day, weeks or even your entire business model.
This looks like:
🚫 guessing what your people might want
🚫 making business decisions from a place of scrambling
🚫 completely pausing from selling your offers
Listen, it’s time to breathe new life into your business operations, streamline your goals so that they are on track to be achieved, and will push you to remove the emotion from running your business, by putting on your CEO hat to truly audit your sales, marketing, and mindset to generate more revenue.
The answer to making more money in your business is to evaluate what didn’t work to:
1️⃣eliminate time sucks (what tasks were not worth your time)
2️⃣cut the flops, fluff and dead weight to streamline for conversion
3️⃣focus on which marketing platform to use
4️⃣hone in your brand messaging
✅ Then you can focus on what DID work successfully and do more of that with an action plan.
Service based solopreneurs are business owners and your business deserves to be treated as one by working on your business. I hope this is a gentle push towards you validating your business as just as worthy to work on as the ‘big guys’ do around an oval executive table.
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