Is it even possible? Yes it is. The overconsumption of knowledge may be a result from taking all the free masterclasses, signing up for all those enticing freebies just to never open them. Additionally an addiction to seeking information you don’t know might look like a tall pile of books you continue to add to before you get past chapter 3 of the last one you just had to buy.
Surprisingly the above examples could apply to anyone, in any industry or walk of life. However the entrepreneurial world is chock full of distracting educational must haves that can sink every business owner in any season of entrepreneurship.
Have you felt the overwhelm by all the content saturating every internet acre you scroll across?
From email newsletter freebies, masterclasses, webinars, podcasts, live video, reels, IG scrolling and hundreds brain felt like it was going to explode before I put the blinders on.
I attest that accessible content and e-learning is a real addiction. Consuming more and more to absorb as much knowledge as possible might sound like a good thing, but it only hinders us from stopping to apply these tools to our actual business.
I was there in the swamp of self learning content trying to figure it all out in my own business [which meant looking over to see what everyone else was doing] 😒 Not proud of that.
What is the point of learning if you never implement what you learn?
The mental clutter was fogging up my own brain to think about what I wanted to do, say and offer.
Why is it so hard to clarify who you serve, what your expertise is in and then brand it all cohesively and strategically? I can do this all day for my clients, but for some reason I was drawing a blank for my own business.
I had to step back, unfollow and unsubscribe a bunch to clear out the noise, the clutter and protect my mindset and time.
Happy to report that after I Marie Kondo’d my mental space and influential content amount I was consuming, I began to feel grounded. Consequently, I realigned my business to focus on my true love and expertise — Branding & Business Growth Strategy for solopreneurs and expanding small businesses.
Because a pretty logo or sales page doesn’t mean a thing if you have no idea who you are targeting, are a chronic offer pivoter (you know who you are) or if your brand messaging is way too cluttered and not succinctly communicating your brand story.
Simplify to amplify has been my mantra ever since I stopped hoarding educational learning tools I didn’t even have a chance to implement.
Are you currently plagued by content overload and need to get out from under the undertow or overconsumption? It’s okay to admit that you’ve consumed more knowledge than what you retained or even took action on. Put down the books, stop saving a million IG carousel posts and just pause to focus on your own business. If you need help on what you should focus on, change or just for a good ol’ kick in the pants clarity call contact me, I’d love to help!
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